The BIG show
January 29, 2008

Welcome to Blogsphere

Robert Kosby Robert Kos
Technology Practice Lead

Hello Everyone,

This is our first attempt to join the blogsphere on a semi-professional level, i.e. through the use of a blog, also known as the omnipotent Hyde Park Speakers’ Corner of Web 2.0.

The main purpose of our blog is to report on developments in the world of technology, especially as it pertains to our two core industries: finance and retail, as well as discuss our views and recent projects.

As is the nature of blogging, many views expressed here are direct and personal. Additionally, our manner of communication is sometimes designed to provoke thinking and evoke a smirk on our readers’ faces as we navigate the dry waters of geekdom and the land of pocket protectors, commonly referred to as IT. Consequently, please feel free to comment, disagree, rant, rave and pontify, but do understand that we never intend to harm or otherwise inflict any person or organization.

We hope that you will check us often. We are looking forward to seeing you here. So long.
